Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Fully cemented and the first sitting

At last I have managed to cement the bench in. This will prevent it from tipping over and also deter any thieves.

Last night (11th June) whilst I was digging the two holes, for the concrete and stainless steel straps, I had a chat with three separate dog walkers. We touched on a few subjects about the site, dogs, people and the view.

I also had my first comment posted to the blog. I hope there are more.

My Mum decided to come out with me on my final check of the cement and the bench. She sat down and said she might come out and sit her sometimes for a break on a sunny day. An alternative to sitting in doors with a cup of tea.

Mum on the bench


  1. It's a beautiful bench and I'm so glad you cemented it down !!
    Your mum looks very happy on it.

  2. Thanks Jean.

    Getting the bench cemented in was a learning experience for me; I have never used cement before, though I have dug holes. I used a clever trick with two twigs to raise the metal straps proud of the wood whilst waiting for the cement to set. I left a gap between the top of the metal straps and the wooden bench strut so I can raise the bench slightly and add paving stones later on.

    When I took my Mum's photo she was saying how she might change her routine to have breaks on the bench.

    I wonder how the other users of the footpath will change their routine now the bench is here?
